Tactic: Going Limp

Get those minds out of the gutter! I’m referring to the airsoft tactic that I call “going limp”, which has served me well throughout my entire airsoft existence. “Going limp” is my reaction to close contact. I’m not talking about 100+ feet, but more like under 30ft. Let me try and describe how it works:

Starting an Airsoft Team

So you’ve decided to start your own airsoft team, eh? Not sure where to start or even if you even should be starting your own team? Fret not, n00b canoe, your ol’ pal uncle Radar is here to assist in the process and by the end of this article, you may just walk away ready to mass your own private army!

Points of Interest


There seems to be some confusion as to what an airsoft team actually is. In this article, I am defining an airsoft team as an organized group of players who are united by a common theme and/or set of tactics used in airsoft games. I have heard dozens of different ideas on what a team is, should be and how it should be conducted and everyone is entitled to their own interpretation of the airsoft team. My definition is based on MilSim, tactics and comradeship. No more, no less.

Medic Rules

Have you ever played a game/event where the medic rules just didn’t make sense? Or how about where the appointed ‘medic’ forgot the rules? As an organizer, it’s frustrating when your hard work to incorporate medic roles into games only to see it flop on an epic level. The challenges facing medic rules are giant

Say hello to Lucy

I’d like to officially introduce Lucy, my daughter. She’s the reason you will see me flaking when attempting to come to games and post less on this blog as well as many other forums. She is the little ray of sunshine in my wife and I’s life. Photo evidence of her cuteness:

Long Range Claymore Remote

FRS Remote Claymore

Normally when I have an idea or want to convert something for an airsoft application, I go to mad-scientist Shoe who has the engineering background to bring said idea to life. In this case, I wanted to extend the range of my remote claymore and the 40+ feet that the modified garage door opener just wouldn’t cut it. I wanted more of a scenario piece where if the OPFOR didn’t get what they want or certain terms were broken, we could ‘detonate’ a prop remotely from any distance. So on a sunny SoCal Saturday, we met at his place and went to work.

This is a custom remote solution for setting off a Super Cell Dev airsoft claymore (ASC7) via FRS Radio. Our input box allows any source to be used… timers, garage door openers, etc but so far, we have only tested the FRS Radio. We used an old Motorola radio we had lying around and about $15 worth of parts from a local electronic store. This setup is intended to be used for airsoft scenario play in a powder application as remotely detonating a bb-throwing device from 2+ miles away is not only irresponsible, but a dangerous possibility of blind fire.